Have you ever wondered what IT security breaches cost a small to medium business? We do, because assuring your IT systems availability and consistent performance is big part of what we do every day. From a small and medium sized business … Read More

Business has limited resources to allocate towards investment opporutnities and must make judgement calls as to where to allocate funds that will achieve a return, with a considered risk profile. Cloud solutions are not a must for businesses to operate, … Read More

Micro­­soft Office 365 is gaining significant momentum and growth. If you’re an iPhone user and have adopted Office 365, you’ll need to know how to synchronise your Office 365 mailbox with your phone. This small instructional text explains how. Firstly navigate through your iPhone’s Set­­t­­ings to … Read More

USB Keys are an extremely convenient and cost effective method of transporting data. In the business space, they are often used is with professionals, managers and executives who take their work home. They transfer the files to a USB key, … Read More

Eliminate work and increase profit, that just doesn’t make sense….. Strangely enough, it makes a whole lot of sense. So many people focus on streamlining processes, when one of the first things you should ask yourself is whether or not … Read More

When developing a security strategy, businesses must plan to protect against not just current threats, but all threats, known and unknown. Existing Security Threats don’t go away….Many businesses and end users remain susceptible to a myriad of known attacks due … Read More

Ryan Swindall at Accellion (a premier provider for secure mobile file sharing for enterprises) recently posted an article titled “IT – Thinking twice about the cost of free apps” (click on the title to read the post). The article highlights key trends … Read More

David Hinchcliffe posted a thorough article on the big 5 IT trends in business that are both disruptive and stand a strong chance of offering transformational changes in how we leverage technology to do business. David, in his article, talks … Read More

Aruba Networks recently announced its Aruba Instant Enterprise platform. Enterprise wireless LAN architectures quickly and deployed in minutes, using the Activate service. Zeus Kerravala, a respected industry analyst, has good things to say about the Aruba Instant Enterprise Approach. Click … Read More

Businesses can and do gain significant benefits from tranforming with cloud business applications. Business benefit with cloud services through: Gaining advantage over the competition, Introducing capabilities that only large enterprises could previously afford, Make people and business more productive, Gaining improved TCO over traditional … Read More

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